Tuesday, September 30, 2008
My vent session
I think I am done venting... because my eyes hurt and my head hurt and i am ready to start crying. I really just want friends who care. And if I was rude back in school, I am sorry. I am just a reserved person.. don't really open up. That's why i'm trying to open up on my blog so people can see the REAL, TRUE Nicky.. I'm not that bad of person people might think I am!
Movies an FHE
I saw 27 Dresses in the theatre and I just LOVED it! I also saw BEE MOVIE. Me and my parents took Lexi, Kayden and Morgan right before Christmas time (when we had the Labrum christmas party) we all stayed in a hotel and went to a movie (Barrett and Chantel took Max and Koy). It was a lot of fun. Then the next morning we went to breakfast at Denny's. All the kids had to get the ROCKET cups. I don't really go out and watch movies. I wait for them to come out and video THEN if time comes, I go and rent them... I wish I had more friends up here in SLC that would go out and do things with me like that.
Tammy, I don't do anything for FHE. I am not in an FHE group. They have skipped over my name when they assign groups. So i don't want to just show up at some random house. I came home today and watched tv! I really wanted to go out to dinner but I had no one to go out to dinner with. I'm glad that you guys had fun down in Lehi at the Mascot Bowl. That sounds fun! The NFL team in AZ is the Cardinals. That's the team that Aaron Francisco plays for.
Don't look at the time when I wrote this! :) I woke up and I couldn't fall back to sleep but I got about 5-6 hours of sleep already! So it's not bad! I'm ready to lay down again and get a little more sleep..
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Daily Routine
I have my alarm set at 7, but I usually don't get up until about 7:30 or so. Then I get up and get my hair done and make up and slowly get dressed. At 8:00 in the morning, I HAVE to turn on the tv to TNT and start watching the re-runs of ER. Even when I was out with my surgery, I had to have ER on. I got addicted to the re-runs when I was working at Orchard Park and one of the residents would hurry and eat breakfast and go back to his room so he could watch 2 hours of ER. So when I started working at Myriad, I was sad I had to miss my morning ER. (I know, pathetic) I leave my house around 8:45 so I can be at work BEFORE 9:15 because you never know about that SLC traffic up by the U.
My daily work is the same thing over and over again. We don't have scheduled breaks or lunches, I just try not to be out the same time others are out just to make sure that the queue is covered at all time. There are times I leave right at 6 or I will be nice and stay after (all depends on my mood for the day :) )
When I get home, I usually eat dinner around 7-8. Since my surgery, I am learning what foods I can eat and what is hard to digest. I have learned chocolate is hard to digest(this is KILLING me) AND milk.. So for dinner, I have lately been having either sandwiches or eggs. Eggs have really been settling on my stomach lately.
I love to shower at night that way I can sleep-in in the morning so I always do that before bed. I get ready for bed around 9. When I was working at the rest home I would be irritated with some of the elderly people when we would be getting them ready for bed and everything had to be PERFECT (the sheets had to be perfect, things on the nightstand had to be perfect) and now I am seeing that I am starting to be that way and I get irritated with myself but I can't stop myself from doing it. So sometimes it takes me longer to get ready for bed. I wish I could just jump into bed and fall asleep but nope, can't. I have to make sure my chapstick is close, my water is there, my cell phone is in the right spot and most important my sheets CANNOT be wrinkled and if they are I will pull and tug and tighten until they are straight.
That is my daily schedule. But of course, I have my nightly tv shows.. Like now on Tuesdays it is the NEW 90210.. :) and Thursdays.. ER.. So if you call during those times, I won't answer :) or else I will answer just not talk...
Journaling Topics
Her first question was back on Tuesday Sept 23 and she asked "What's something you never thought you'd experience but have?"
After many days of reading this, I have debated of what to write. There are things that I am not going to write for my own reasons. But some things that I never thought I would have had to experience is having to go through depression. Having my family there through it all was probably the best thing. Tammy sat with me at my apartment until my dad got there and I don't know if I ever told her how much it meant. I know I told her many times to just go away! :) I was also SO surprised to have Barrett and Chantel drive down from Logan to be with us at that time. My mom was not able to be there because of school and it was the end of the school year. Nancy was not able to be there because she was on her mission at the time. My mom and dad were there the moment I could have visitors. As soon as Nancy found out about my depression, she wrote me and said that she had a feeling that something was not right with me and she knew something was wrong. My family really means a lot to me and I don't know if I tell them enough.
I also never would have thought that I would have had to learn as much medical stuff for my own family needs as I have. Having Kayden with his transplant and Tyler born early, I have had the opportunity to be there for so many dr appointments and so many milestones. I am so grateful for my family and letting me be part of their family's growing... I am also teaching all of the nieces and nephews to say I am the coolest aunt EVER! :)
I hope that this has been a good start for the journaling!
Week in Review
I have had really bad insomnia lately so I have been taking advantage of every bit of sleep time I can get. I talked to my dr on Thursday and she gave me free 7 day trial for Ambien CR to see if that helps. I had to have a prescription from her to say to give it to me. So I went to Walmart to get it filled and the stupid people there took over an hour to give me a free trial. But I guess there were other people there that were quoted 30 minutes for their prescription and they still hadn't got it in 2 hours. So the managers were called and even then the pharmacist was really rude to us about it. I was ready to tell the pharmacist that I am going on about 5 days of no sleep, you do NOT wanna mess with me! But I just "peacefully" gave the managers my information and once I got my prescription went home and enjoyed my undisturbed night! :) I just didn't understand why it took that long to give me a free trial!!
I came down to Orangeville today. I really needed to get away from SLC! I bought new tires for my car (after having the car for 2 years I deseperately needed them). I dropped the car off at Castle Service in Huntington because my dad was working there today and I drove the truck home. When I got home, my mom was just starting to make the family recipe of chili sauce! We make this every year! This year was just different though, there wasn't a BYU game on to listen to. The first year in MANY years that I don't remember having a game on. It was really quiet! So me and my mom sat there stirring the chili sauce everytime we walked past the kitchen all day. It literally takes all day to make it and we only got 11 1/2 jars out of it! But it is WELL worth it! (and don't worry, I made sure every ingredient was put in this year)
Work has just been really busy! We are getting soo many people wanting testing done we can't keep up with samples anymore. It is getting close to the end of the year so deductibles are met. It always gets really busy closer to the end of the year, but this year samples are REALLY coming in. I think that the tests are really being known to patients and doctors are really encouraging people to get testing done.
Fall is officially here! I love this time of year. It is football season and it is time for my birthday! I can't believe that September is almost over! October is a busy month for our family, we have 3 family birthdays (mine, Kayden and Koy) and then not to mention my own cousins and my own Aunt Linda!
There is my week in review.. I will also be posting from Tammy's journaling topics that she has started.. I will be doing these more frequent (like when she posts them) when my computer gets revived.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Happy Birthday (a day late) Tyler
I know this a day late, but my computer crashed.. (it got a virus) So I am sitting here at Tammy's. I wanted to say Happy Birthday to my little man, Tyler. I can't blieve that you are 3! This picture was taken the first time I got to hold you! Nancy surprised me when I got to the hospital and asked me if I wanted to FINALLY hold you. When she placed Tyler in my arms, I felt like I holding nothing. I asked her if she could get me a pillow to put under him so I could feel like I was holding something. I sat there just looking at this little miracle in my arms.
I remember the day that little Tyler was born! The night before he was born, I had taken my sleeping pill and I had gone to bed. I got woke up by a phone call from my parents saying that Nancy had gone into labor. I asked what day it was because I know when I had fallen asleep it was only September and I knew that she wasn't due until December so that had really confused me. I was starting to think I was having a dream. I ran out to the living room and told my roommates because they were still awake and they told me that since I had taken a sleeping pill, they would take me up to SLC. My family told me to go up to U of U hospital because they were going to life flight Nancy and/or the baby up there. So we fell asleep in the waiting room and it ended up that they didn't life flight them to U of U, and they weren't even going to go to U of U. My roommates were so good to me that night! After Tyler was born, they life flighted him up to LDS Hospital. As soon as we knew that they were going life flight him there, they took me there as fast as they could. I was the only family member there (everyone else was at Alta View with Nancy and Dallas). I got to see Tyler get off Life Flight and I was the "family rep" (as the life flight people called me) and I got to walk with him up the NICU. I spent a lot of time up there with Tyler in the NICU. I was so glad to be living so close to Nancy and Dallas when I moved up to SLC so I could spend a lot of time with them.
I can't believe my little man has turned 3. He has gone through so much in his 3 years. He is such a hero in my eyes! Thank you for letting me be your aunt! I have been part of your life since before you knew it! I was there for one of your ultrasounds and I am so glad that Nancy has allowed me to be there. Happy Birthday! I am going to come down in a few months to see you. I love you TyTy!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Old Friends New Memories
I left work early because I was invited to go to Felicia Frandsen's (now Felicia Nielson) baby shower. She lives in Springville. She has been my best friends for about 10 years. We were in high school when we started hanging out non-stop. We have always been friends because our moms taught at the same elementary, but after we went to EFY the same time, we got really close. She is due on Halloween with a little boy. It doesn't matter how long we are apart, things always start back up where we left off and we can just laugh for hours! I got to her house early (I was the first one there) and we started laughing about old memories and I left her house at 1:30 this morning. Her husband Chad got there about 9 and all his friends from high school were there and I've hung out with them before (they actually invited me to go camping once with them) and we were all laughing. After they left and it was just me, Felicia and Chad we were all laughing. Chad fits in with us! For any of you who don't know how me, Felicia and Jessica Humphrey were on the weekends when we were in high school... I'll have to scan pictures to show you! We were crazy! I'm surprised that people even ackowledged they knew us! :)
Jessica Humphrey (she is now married) also was there. She just had twins on July 14. They are adorable! I sat there and held Brynn the entire time and she just smiled at me, Jessica was busy trying to stop Bracken from crying because he was not having it. I had not seen Jess in so long... We have been friends since I can remember. I have memories with Jess for a long time because we live right around the corner from each other and our neighborhood would always get together at Selma's on Sunday afternoon and play football. And also Jessica's parents introduced my parents so we have always been really close with their family.
I am so lucky to have the friends that I did in High school! If it wasn't for them, I don't know what or who I'd be or where'd I'd be. Me and Felicia were talking and laughing about our rollerblading times... When he cut open her entire hand behind Stewarts, we were rollerblading on main street in CD and it was summer and NOBODY was out. We had the videocamera stuck to our face as usual (hehe) and we were at Maverick and the huge Sitterud van with Stuart, Josh Begay, and Jesse Sitterud pulls up (need I mention the ONLY car out driving in CD) and I'm rollerblading and Felicia goes over to talk to them by the stop sign and I can't stop.. I hit the stop sign pretty hard.. down I fall, falling down teh stop sign. The boys were all laughing so hard, Felicia had the whole thing on film. All our dress-up moments. The EC County Fair... I am just so glad I got to have the memories I do. I guess that is what we all get for living in such a place as Emery County!
When I got home last night, I went through my pictures from growing up. I decided that I am going to scan them and randomly make posts about growing up and what the pictures are. I thought that would be fun! I have lots of pictures of friends, so be prepared! :)
I just want to tell my friends thank you! Even if we weren't close friends and we just were acquantainces... it does mean a lot to me. I really do cherish growing up down there. I wish every child has the memories that we have of growing up at a place like that. Where we didn't have to lock our doors, where we could play out with the neighbor kids and wait for the parents to stand out on the back porch to yell for you to come home because it is now dark, where we didn't have to worry about people breaking into cars or homes... I really do appreciate every friend I have! Thank you!
I know Felicia and Jessica doesn't read this, but I am SOO thankful for them! They have been my best friends for years!!! Yes we did have our fallout for a while, but we did get back together... And last, I want to tell Holly I am so thankful for you. You have been my other best friend since our sophmore year. I have a lot of memories of you! You have helped me through a lot! I know it's hard to get together now, but I know we will! Thanks guys!!! LOVE YA!!!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Fun Game
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.Can't wait to see what memories you have of me!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I will never forget!
I remember exactly where I was! I was living at Snow College and that day was a Tuesday because I had microbiology lab that day. I'm not sure if it was the first day of the lab or not. But my lab started at 7 am. I got up and went to class and I drove my car to class (it was like a block and a half from class). After the lab was over, I got back in my car and went home and I was listening to the Snow College radio station and heard the DJ's talking about the Twin Towers getting hit by planes and I said outloud "that is not a joke, why are they joking about something like that" and when I got my apartment, I sat out in the parking lot and kept listening. I couldn't believe what I was hearing! I ended up calling my mom and I asked her if this was real. She said yes and that it was on tv and I could see the live thing on tv. At that time, our cable in the apartment hadn't been set up yet so we didn't have tv. I was going crazy!!! I found out that the neighbors in Pinetree #26 had their cable so I ran next door and the girls were all huddled around the tv. I just joined in! That day, nobody moved from the tv. It seemed like the longest day ever. I went to my design class just because I had it once a week but our teacher had the tv on and we just sat there watching the news all class. Everywhere you went, the tv was on and they were watching CNN. Everybody was in shock that this happened. That night our singles ward was called together to do a special ward prayer and special fast for the victims the families and I remember distinctly that the Bishop said that everything was going to be ok. We stayed at the church for a while after the prayer and nobody wanted to leave. We all wanted to stay together because we knew there at that time and place we were all safe. We were told to go fill our cars up with gas. I know that sounds funny but looking back, that is something I will ALWAYS remember. For some reason, the price of $1.78 sticks out in my mind. And I just looked on google for gas prices before 9/11 and it said $1.66 (according to money.cnn.com) So maybe that was the price of gas around that time. I have kept the newspaper from the next few days after 9/11 and they are currently in my cedar chest. I knew that one day I was going to have to teach my children about this and it is going to be history. I wanted them to know what it was like and what was the current events on those days.
While going to work, I drive past East High. Today they had a bunch of Veterans outside the flag pole. I was very intrigued by it and it really struck me. I love seeing the flag and knowing that people have fought to keep me free and to let me live the way that I have. On the radio they were taking phone calls and texts about "what were you doing 7 years ago" and they mentioned that the kids that are in school now probably don't remember what happened that day. That really hit me hard. I have been thinking about that all day. The seniors in High School today were only 10 years old that day. When I was 10, I was in 4th grade!
I wanna know what you were doing that day... Are you going to forget all the people who died that day? That day 2,974 people were killed. Every single one of them were someone special to someone. They were someone spouse, parent, child, grandparent, aunt, uncle, friend, etc... Don't forget! I know I won't!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Nicky's Life according to Google
Type in the following and choose the first choice.
1:Type in "[your name] needs" in the Google search:
Nicky needs help
2: Type in "[your name] looks like" in Google search:
Nicky looks like she is about to pound jess in the boobs
3: Type in "[your name] does" in Google search:
Nicky does a food dance
4: Type in "[your name] hates" in Google search:
Nicky hates Pari$
5: Type in "[your name] goes" or "..has gone" in Google search:
Nicky goes to the doctor
6: Type in "[your name] loves" in Google search:
Nicky loves Richey
7: Type in "[your name] eats" in Google search:
Ncky eats cement (next one down says Nicky eats the poo poo)
8: Type in "[your name] has" in Google search:
Nicky has lunch on flickr
9: Type in "[your name] will" in Google search:
Nicky will be there for you
That was kinda fun.. I want everyone who reads this to do it! It is funny what comes up!
Pray for Tyler

Yesterday when I was walking in from my lunch break I got this text from my sister Nancy that her and Dallas were taking Tyler to the emergency room and to call mom and let her know. So right away I called my dad and told him and then I called Cottonwood Elementary and tried every number I could to get a hold of my mom to tell her. I finally just told Carol Stilson the situation and she said that she would personally walk it down to my mom. (We grew up with the faculty at Cottonwood so they treat us all like we are their own children. She was so worried and concerned) I texted Nancy and told her to keep me updated and I can let mom and dad know. A while later she texted again saying that they got scans and were just waiting and they were thinking it was his shunt but not sure. They did find out that it was his shunt and he was taken into surgery last night and to read all the details, Nancy put it on her blog. I got a phone call at about 9:30 from my dad saying that they would take Tyler into surgery within the next few hours so by that time my anxiety/nerves were just starting up. Then he called back at 11:30 and said it was all over and everything went fine and he is in the PICU. It was so hard for me because I don't remember a surgery that I haven't been at the hospital. He has been through so much in his short 3 years. He is such a fighter, he is one of my heroes! Get better soon Ty!! Aunt Nicky loves you. You need to be all better for your birthday party next week. I'm sad I won't be there but I'm going to come down in a few months and see you!

Back to work
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Hairy Plums
I stayed with the kids last night while Tammy and Josh went to a play at Hale Theatre, Lexi helped me out alot again. She really is a lot of help! She was eating a peach and she told me that she is just going to call them "Hairy Plums". It took me a minute to realize what she was saying but then I had to tell her they are peaches! She also wasn't too sure about the "hair" on them and if it was ok to eat it.
Thanks again for helping me Lexi! You are such a big help! You really did help me out. I will find a way to say thank you!