Saturday, September 27, 2008

Journaling Topics

My sister Tammy has started asking daily questions for people to blog about if you are interested. Like I have said, I have not had a computer. I am sitting here at my parents and I can sit and reflect and not have roommates waiting for the computer or sitting at work with my bosses over my shoulder wondering what I am doing.

Her first question was back on Tuesday Sept 23 and she asked "What's something you never thought you'd experience but have?"

After many days of reading this, I have debated of what to write. There are things that I am not going to write for my own reasons. But some things that I never thought I would have had to experience is having to go through depression. Having my family there through it all was probably the best thing. Tammy sat with me at my apartment until my dad got there and I don't know if I ever told her how much it meant. I know I told her many times to just go away! :) I was also SO surprised to have Barrett and Chantel drive down from Logan to be with us at that time. My mom was not able to be there because of school and it was the end of the school year. Nancy was not able to be there because she was on her mission at the time. My mom and dad were there the moment I could have visitors. As soon as Nancy found out about my depression, she wrote me and said that she had a feeling that something was not right with me and she knew something was wrong. My family really means a lot to me and I don't know if I tell them enough.

I also never would have thought that I would have had to learn as much medical stuff for my own family needs as I have. Having Kayden with his transplant and Tyler born early, I have had the opportunity to be there for so many dr appointments and so many milestones. I am so grateful for my family and letting me be part of their family's growing... I am also teaching all of the nieces and nephews to say I am the coolest aunt EVER! :)

I hope that this has been a good start for the journaling!


Diana M. Raab said...

Keep journaling.

For more inspiration check out my book REGINA'S CLOSET: FINDING MY GRANDMOTHER'S SECRET JOURNAL.

Also visit my blog, i talk a lot about journaling.


Nicky said...

after i read that comment, i don't want people to think that I ONLY journal on here. I am an AVID journal keeper! my cedar chest is FULL of journals, I just wanted to share things on here that might help others know more about me. When Lexi was baptised, I gave her a journal and said that I wanted her to start writing in a journal. Keeping a journal is my way of writing down my feelings and not having anybody interupt me or scold me of my feelings. I can write about anything and everything and I know it doesn't matter. I LOVE to write in my journal!

nancy said...

You have always had a journal as long as I could remember. I can't wait till you decided to share them.. I will read them all!

Sometimes we can look back at our journals and see how much we have changed and how much we haven't. In my journal after my mission I said I was going to do such and such and it was repeated like ten times. Obviously I didn't do such and such and succeed.

I have been tempeted to do Tammy's questions.. or at least a few. Thanks for participating so I can stalk you morell