Saturday, September 27, 2008

Daily Routine

My daily routine is pretty boring. I work at 9:15 Monday-Friday.

I have my alarm set at 7, but I usually don't get up until about 7:30 or so. Then I get up and get my hair done and make up and slowly get dressed. At 8:00 in the morning, I HAVE to turn on the tv to TNT and start watching the re-runs of ER. Even when I was out with my surgery, I had to have ER on. I got addicted to the re-runs when I was working at Orchard Park and one of the residents would hurry and eat breakfast and go back to his room so he could watch 2 hours of ER. So when I started working at Myriad, I was sad I had to miss my morning ER. (I know, pathetic) I leave my house around 8:45 so I can be at work BEFORE 9:15 because you never know about that SLC traffic up by the U.

My daily work is the same thing over and over again. We don't have scheduled breaks or lunches, I just try not to be out the same time others are out just to make sure that the queue is covered at all time. There are times I leave right at 6 or I will be nice and stay after (all depends on my mood for the day :) )

When I get home, I usually eat dinner around 7-8. Since my surgery, I am learning what foods I can eat and what is hard to digest. I have learned chocolate is hard to digest(this is KILLING me) AND milk.. So for dinner, I have lately been having either sandwiches or eggs. Eggs have really been settling on my stomach lately.

I love to shower at night that way I can sleep-in in the morning so I always do that before bed. I get ready for bed around 9. When I was working at the rest home I would be irritated with some of the elderly people when we would be getting them ready for bed and everything had to be PERFECT (the sheets had to be perfect, things on the nightstand had to be perfect) and now I am seeing that I am starting to be that way and I get irritated with myself but I can't stop myself from doing it. So sometimes it takes me longer to get ready for bed. I wish I could just jump into bed and fall asleep but nope, can't. I have to make sure my chapstick is close, my water is there, my cell phone is in the right spot and most important my sheets CANNOT be wrinkled and if they are I will pull and tug and tighten until they are straight.

That is my daily schedule. But of course, I have my nightly tv shows.. Like now on Tuesdays it is the NEW 90210.. :) and Thursdays.. ER.. So if you call during those times, I won't answer :) or else I will answer just not talk...

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