Saturday, September 20, 2008

Old Friends New Memories

I love getting together with old friends, with certain people it seems like things left off where they were. Yesterday I had this exact thing happen!

I left work early because I was invited to go to Felicia Frandsen's (now Felicia Nielson) baby shower. She lives in Springville. She has been my best friends for about 10 years. We were in high school when we started hanging out non-stop. We have always been friends because our moms taught at the same elementary, but after we went to EFY the same time, we got really close. She is due on Halloween with a little boy. It doesn't matter how long we are apart, things always start back up where we left off and we can just laugh for hours! I got to her house early (I was the first one there) and we started laughing about old memories and I left her house at 1:30 this morning. Her husband Chad got there about 9 and all his friends from high school were there and I've hung out with them before (they actually invited me to go camping once with them) and we were all laughing. After they left and it was just me, Felicia and Chad we were all laughing. Chad fits in with us! For any of you who don't know how me, Felicia and Jessica Humphrey were on the weekends when we were in high school... I'll have to scan pictures to show you! We were crazy! I'm surprised that people even ackowledged they knew us! :)

Jessica Humphrey (she is now married) also was there. She just had twins on July 14. They are adorable! I sat there and held Brynn the entire time and she just smiled at me, Jessica was busy trying to stop Bracken from crying because he was not having it. I had not seen Jess in so long... We have been friends since I can remember. I have memories with Jess for a long time because we live right around the corner from each other and our neighborhood would always get together at Selma's on Sunday afternoon and play football. And also Jessica's parents introduced my parents so we have always been really close with their family.

I am so lucky to have the friends that I did in High school! If it wasn't for them, I don't know what or who I'd be or where'd I'd be. Me and Felicia were talking and laughing about our rollerblading times... When he cut open her entire hand behind Stewarts, we were rollerblading on main street in CD and it was summer and NOBODY was out. We had the videocamera stuck to our face as usual (hehe) and we were at Maverick and the huge Sitterud van with Stuart, Josh Begay, and Jesse Sitterud pulls up (need I mention the ONLY car out driving in CD) and I'm rollerblading and Felicia goes over to talk to them by the stop sign and I can't stop.. I hit the stop sign pretty hard.. down I fall, falling down teh stop sign. The boys were all laughing so hard, Felicia had the whole thing on film. All our dress-up moments. The EC County Fair... I am just so glad I got to have the memories I do. I guess that is what we all get for living in such a place as Emery County!

When I got home last night, I went through my pictures from growing up. I decided that I am going to scan them and randomly make posts about growing up and what the pictures are. I thought that would be fun! I have lots of pictures of friends, so be prepared! :)

I just want to tell my friends thank you! Even if we weren't close friends and we just were acquantainces... it does mean a lot to me. I really do cherish growing up down there. I wish every child has the memories that we have of growing up at a place like that. Where we didn't have to lock our doors, where we could play out with the neighbor kids and wait for the parents to stand out on the back porch to yell for you to come home because it is now dark, where we didn't have to worry about people breaking into cars or homes... I really do appreciate every friend I have! Thank you!

I know Felicia and Jessica doesn't read this, but I am SOO thankful for them! They have been my best friends for years!!! Yes we did have our fallout for a while, but we did get back together... And last, I want to tell Holly I am so thankful for you. You have been my other best friend since our sophmore year. I have a lot of memories of you! You have helped me through a lot! I know it's hard to get together now, but I know we will! Thanks guys!!! LOVE YA!!!


Scottie and Tasha said...

I love this post! It made me remember all the good times in the E.C. (forget the O.C. :) j/k) Anyway- cant wait to see some of your flashback moments!

Terrence and Laura said...

How fun. I love little memory lane get togethers like that. I still have the pictures of our little "prom dress night" That was the funnest night ever! Man we had some fun times.