Saturday, August 30, 2008

Surgery Update

I am down my parents! I had to be at St Marks 7:15 yesterday morning. My parents got to my house around 6:45. My dad gave me a priesthood blessing then we went to St Marks. They got me back into a room but then they told us that my dr had an emergency surgery she ended up doing so my surgery got pushed back from 8:15 to 9:15. Me and dad fell back to sleep and mom went back to playing her Soduku. Soon they came back in to take me to pre-op and get me hooked up to IV. Mom and Dad rode with us in the elevator. It only took the pre-op nurse 1 poke to get the IV in!! YAY!! When the anesthesiologist came to take me to the operating room, he was putting a medication in my IV and said that it wasn't the main medicine but it would start to calm me down (I wasn't nervous) and my nurse jokingly said "Nicky, the only thing you need to remember is your nurses are Miss America and her runner-up" and then the other techs said "And the rest of your team is the "A" Team" so we laughed about that and I said that I could remember that. They were putting something on my legs so I asked what they were, a tech said it was it make sure my blood my circulating and then the anesthesiologist put something on my head (not sure what it was) but he said that it was to watch my brain waves. That was the last thing I remember. Next thing I remember I was in recovery. I was crying because my belly hurt, so the nurse that was with me gae me pain meds in the IV. I remember asking them, "Did they end up having to cut me open?" Then I fell back to sleep. I could hear her talking on the phone to someone. But I was out of it! They took me back to my room in Pre-Op and mom and dad were there waiting for me. I kept going in and out of sleep. The nurses there were NOT good!!! I would sleep because I was bored. I just wanted to go home! Dad went and talked to them about coming in and checking my iv because the antibiotics they gave me had run out, and they never came in. We finally left at about 3. Mom and Dad took me back to my house so I could take a pain pill. While we were at the hospital getting ready to leave, I told the nurse I was starting to be in pain again, but she said the only thing I have ordered that they could give me is morphine and if they give that to me then I would have to stay another half hour for them to monitor me. I told them it was fine, I have pain pills at my house and to just let me go. So I got home and laid down and rested while Mom and Dad went to go see Tammy and the kids and they dropped off my meds at Wal-Mart. We left SLC around 4:30-5 to head back to EC. As soon as we got home, I went to bed.

I woke up today before mom and dad! I know, crazy! They slept in! It was after 8:30 or so when they woke up! WOW!! I am only hurting on the incisions on the side right now. The numbness is coming out of them so I am little more tender now. But I do feel a WHOLE lot better.

Dr Kolc (the surgeon) said that I needed that gallbladder out. While she was in with the laser, she took a look around, she told mom and dad that I do have some endometriosis and I need to talk to Dr Anderson about getting changed on another birth control. So I will call him and let him know. She was a really good surgeon and I would recommend her to anyone (maybe not St Marks hospital) but definately her!

So, now I am done with surgery and just going to recover. I am already feeling a lot better. I can actually sit up straight without pain! I know that isn't much, but for a whole month, that would cause me so much pain!! I will keep you updated on my recovery. The past 2 Labor Day weekends I have had surgeries (knee surgery last year) I am going to break the tradition now. No more surgery! :) Next year I am going to ENJOY the holiday!

1 comment:

nancy said...

Good luck with the Endo and at least it wasn't bad enough leasions to have to have them out. But yes having the hormone change will help them. Glad they don't make you as sick as mine do. Those cysts are pretty nasty