Monday, August 4, 2008

ER again!

These sharp pains were really starting to bother me. Sunday my visiting teacher came over and brought me a meal that her mom made (fried chicken) but it wasn't as good as MY moms. :) I then asked her if she could get 2 men to come over to give me a blessing. So the Elders Quorom President and a member of the Bishopric came over and they gave me a priesthood blessing. It was a really good blessing. During the blessing the plains were so sharp in my side, I was just crying so hard. I said to myself that I will go throughout the night and see how I feel. I will let the Lord do his part and I will see how I do. Well, I had noticed that in the mornings I was ok, but around 2-3 in the afternoon was when the pain would come.

Sure enough, the pain came today. I drove myself back down to the ER. They put me in the very last room. My nurse didnt come in for so long. The Dr actually came in before the nurse did. They drew my blood did all the regular tests.. And of course, everything came back normal.

I was there for about 5 hours. My nurse only came in like 2 times. I made sure to complain because I had called for her and they said someone would be right in, and nobody showed. Again, the dr showed before the nurse did. The dr released me at about 10:30. Said that it is pre-ulcer. They had given me a bag of antacid in my iv. I feel SOO much better. It has been a whole week since I have felt this good! So now I have to treat that!

Well, I am really tired so I am off to bed!


Grandma Labrum said...

So glad they found a reason for the pain. What is it with nurses? Don't they know they are more important than doctors and when they don't do their job it is really noticed? Had you called your RS teacher that day or did she just answer your parents prayer that someone would be there to help you? Isn't it funny how the Lord is there, but first we have to ask and act? I have a strong testimony that the Lord will help us if we do as we should as we ask with faith that He will help us, then we do what we can to follow the gospel and live as we should. Hope you feel better all day long, not just until 2:00!

Nicky said...

I let my visiting teacher know. My RS teacher has only been over here once. I did complain about the nurse at the hospital. I fully understand that it is an ER, but when I ask for ice chips and they said 'oh someone will be right in with that' and 45 minutes later nobody comes in and the dr is ready to release me. yeah, i do complain.

Grandma Labrum said...

Is that the VT that has brought you pies from Marie Callanders? I want a pie! Lemon is my favorite.

Unknown said...

Sorry you are not feeling well. I hope you get feeling better :)

Adri and Cory said...

Hey... that is so cool you found me! I was so excited! Is that Brad and Carrie Stilson on your friend list? would you ask her if she would add me to her blog thing? I am going to add you to mine... I hope you don't care. It is so exciting to find out where everybody is at and doing!!!