Monday, August 25, 2008

Surgery Update

I met with Dr.Kolc today at 10:00. She will be doing my surgery. She was very nice and it was nice to go to the dr for the pain in my abdomen and for once, not have them push on it! Surgery is scheduled for Friday. I won't know the time until Thursday but Dr.Kolc said that I will probably be one of her first patients that day. This past weekend I have been really nauseated and nothing seems to help. Today I have been in a lot of pain! So I am really looking forward to this! I don't have to work on Monday because it is Labor Day (WAHOO!) so that is 1 more day to recover! So there is the update.. Friday is the day for surgery to get this gallbladder out..


Adri and Cory said...

I hope this helps you! I have never had any surgery's or anything so I can't say I know what your going through. Good luck with everything and keep us posted!

Grandma Labrum said...

So how is it that you and Tammy picked out the same background? I had to check twice to be sure I clicked on a new site, then realized the colors are the same because they are the same! Two minds that think alike and it has to be you two? We are really in trouble!