Friday, November 21, 2008

Month of Thanks

This month has been hard for me to write since my computer is WAY infected with a virus so it is back in EC getting fixed. So thank goodness for my generous roommates who will let me use their laptops whenever! I know it is hasn't been often enough.

On Nov 14, Kayden has his 2 yr anniversary of his kidney transplant. So many emotions go through me on that day. I sit there and reflect back on the day that I got the call from Tammy that they got the call that there was a kidney for him, I cannot explain the feeling that goes through you at that time. I met Tammy and Josh at the hospital that next morning and was there ALL DAY (literally). I am so thankful to have been able to be there. It is something that you cannot imagine going through unless you go through it. You sit there and have the tears flow knowing that your loved one is getting a new chance of life but knowing that at that exact time someone elses family is going through a totally different feeling. Someone lost their life and that person saved a life through their selfless acts.

Today was supposed to be the Celine Dion concert. The concert was postponed until Feb 22,2009. I'm so bummed! I bought these tickets a year ago, but I already waited 12 months, what's another 3 right?!?!

As this is November, the month of Thanksgiving... I want to say how grateful I am for my family and friends. I have the best family ever! My parents have always been there for me no matter what. I know many people tell me that I am spoiled and that's fine, I will admit it! :) My brother and sisters are always so supportive of me and everything I do! I could not ask for a better family. I am also so thankful for my sister in law and brother in laws.. You guys make my brother and sisters so happy! And last but not least... those kids! :) My nieces and nephews... They make my life complete! I have learned so much from them and I am grateful for every minute of that.

Where are you going to be tomorrow at 4 pm? I will be watching the BYU vs Utah game!! YES!! I love this time of year! Nothing beats the HOLY WAR!! Today at work it was all Blue vs Red. Since I work up in Research Park by the U, it was pretty packed and there was a lot of Blue and Red.

AND, last but not least... I HAVE to say, I paid $1.85/gal for gas today! It was so nice to be able to fill my car up for $24 instead of $45. When I talked to Dad today, it was still $2.17 down at home.. Me and mom said we wanted to fill up a big tank right now and keep it at that price. I filled my car up this morning and when I drove past the same gas station this afternoon the price was at $1.83/gal. It is so nice to see the gas prices going DOWN instead of going UP. WAHOO!!!!


Scottie and Tasha said...


Grandma Labrum said...

Go Wildcats! I hope, they aren't playing, but I have to support my alma mater! It is all in the cat family. (Go Cougars!)

nancy said...

We didn't get to see the game ( although it was on cable) but we caught some glimpses of it in a restaurant we went to .

Who won?

Leslie said...

At the St. George Smith's Jeremy just got gas for like $1.60 (he used the 10 cents off from our card)! SO nice! Especially since he commutes to Vegas all the time. Hey call me if you're ever in St. George!

Monsen3 said...

I don't know what is wrong with EC but they are the slowest to lower their gas prices. In Price it was 1.97 yesterday so we are getting there. It's always cheaper up north because there is something called Competition. We don't have that in Price

J&J said...

That game was a total bummer!! Too many turnovers, both Jesse and Jesse went and I don't think they want to go back to the Utes Stadium..they said it was too CRAZY!! Anyway, I'm loving the gas prices!!

Terrence and Laura said...

Hey you! Hope you have a great Thanksgiving...and YAY for the anniversary of his new kidney. Prayer is definately such a powerful thing.

Mike and Jayna Miller said...

Nicky Glad to here your doing well! and yippy gas is down!!!