Sunday, May 9, 2010

Make a Wish

Kayden was born with Hypoplastic Kidney Disease. His kidneys stopped growing in utero. Right after he turned 2, he was given the best gift someone could ever give him. A second chance of life! A family who had just lost their loved one decided to donate the organs. Kayden was able to receive one of those organs and it was the kidney. On Nov.14 2006 he underwent a kidney transplant.

This past December, Tammy was able to contact the Utah Chapter of Make a Wish and they were able to get things started for Kayden to make his wish. On Jan 8, Kayden has his official WISH DAY! He wished to go to Disneyworld and to meet Buzz Lightyear.

They were able to go April 26-May 2. This past Friday, Make a Wish had a party for Kayden to raise his star to the ceiling because his wish was granted. It was a neat experience to go and be a part of.

West Jordan High did a fundraiser this year and the money went to Make a Wish. They raised over $15,000!!! The average wish is $5,000. This is a few of the kids from the student council. They are AMAZING!

Kayden's cake.. Notice it is TOY STORY

West Jordan High council and Kayden's wish granters

My favorite picture! It was so touching. While he was raising his star, it was SILENT! They were playing "When you wish upon a star" had to hold back the tears. He has gone thru so much!!


In the WISH ROOM! This room was MAGICAL!

Showing how the WISH DOOR works

Kayden and "THE WJH GIRLS"

This experience was amazing. I am so proud to be Kaydens aunt. He is such an amazing little boy. He is one of my heroes! I love you Kayden. Thank you for inviting me to your party!

1 comment:

Monsen3 said...

That is awesome. I got cold chills reading about this. I am so glad that he got his wish!!