Sunday, July 6, 2008

Holiday Weekend

I had a great holiday weekend! It started out Wednesday after work! Lexi stayed the night at my house because she had to be at BYU Lavell Edwards Stadium at 8:45 to start practicing for Stadium of Fire. She got to my house pretty late, so we went right to bed. I froze TONS of bottled water that night so we had lots of water while we were out in the sun. Thursday morning we drove down to Provo. We met Jaley and the dance group outside the gates and the little girls went in and started dancing. They had such a long practice and they did so good! It was such a hot day! I made sure Lexi drank TONS of water because I did not want her to get dehyrated. At 11:30 or so we had lunch break and we came up to my work to get my paycheck and to get out of the sun. Everyone at Myriad LOVED Lexi! Lexi loved to tell everyone that she gets to dance at Stadium of Fire. She said that everyone at Aunt Nicky's work is so nice! :) At 3:15 we were back at the Stadium... I felt so bad... There were 1300 girls and they were dancing in the hot sun! But they had people spraying they down with water and once again, I made sure Lexi kept her water close by. Jaley and Jasha were good about having grapes down there to pop in the girls mouths whenever they had a quick break. At 6, we went on our dinner break. Me and Lex ran down to the Provo Towne Centre Mall and ate at Subway. I had to get her into her costume and get back to the stadium by 7:45. Then we did a run-through of the whole program. I am go glad that Tammy and Josh let me be part of it. I am so proud of Lexi! She did so good! She made sure to tell me everytime she saw me "Nicky, I am drinking LOTS of water!!!" because she knew I was going to ask! :) We got to see the Blue Man Group practice (but Thursday night, they weren't Blue!) Practice that night ran long and we didn't get back to my house until 11:30. Josh was already there to pick Lexi up.

Friday, Kayden stayed with me. He is so funny! I took him to Wal-mart so I could grab some much needed stuff (soap and bread). I thought I would pick up some little fireworks and do those that night. I knew he didn't like the big fireworks but I thought the little ones he might be ok with. That night, we went over to my friend Aimee's (EC connection) and did fireworks at her house. Her dad set off a smoke bomb/grenade, that didn't go too well with Kayden. So the rest of the time, he was in the house watching Transformers and he was perfectly fine seeing the fireworks out the window. But Kayden LOVED the little pop things that you throw on the ground, I actually had to tell him to stop throwing them at peoples feet! :) He did SOO good Friday night! I got him his meds and did the pump all by myself, I was pretty impressed! :)

Tammy came and picked him up Saturday morning and I was child-free! I loved having them here, but I am not used to being a mother! :) When Tammy was getting Kayden in the car, Kayden asked Tammy "Mom, do you have a smoke?" Tammy looked at me and I told her "I don't know what he's talkin about! I don't smoke!" But we soon realized he meant a SMOKE BOMB!! A funny thing Lexi said was we were driving to BYU and they had blocked roads off to get to the parking lot and we had to detour and I FINALLY found my way and I said "Lexi, see, who needs a man!" and she looks at me and said "YOU!!" I was in shock that this little girl said that! I said "what do you mean!" she said "I want a new uncle!" I just love my nieces and nephews so much!

I hope everyone had a safe 4th of July! My weekend was busy with the kids, but if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have done anything! Thanks again Lexi for letting me be part of your show with you on Thursday, it really meant a lot!

1 comment:

Grandma Labrum said...

At Leslie's funeral I was so impressed at the love her neices and nephews had for her. They each remembered the fun times with "Aunt Leslie". They remembered the little trinket she gave them all the time, just little things, but well remembered. The kids will remember those time with you Nicky, so make the most of them. Both Lexi and Kayden are still talking about spending the night at Nicky's. You are a very special person to them.