Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I thought after last year ended, I was done with all my medical problems but I guess I thought wrong!

Memorial Day weekend, I fell while I was down at my parents. We were up enjoying dinner at my cousin Scott's restaurant that he just opened at Joe's Valley Marina and Koy was running away from us so I ran after him and I fell right on my left knee. I really bruised up my knee and it happened to be the knee that I had surgery on last August so I got really worried about it. I got back to my parents and iced it and really babied it the rest of the weekend. I went to Dr Hansen (my orthopaedic surgeon) and he looked at it, and thought I just bruised it down to the bone and said to come back if it continues to hurt. Not a big deal! Well, few days later Barrett came down with my couch since he was moving. I was trying to help him move the couch in. I didn't realize my leg was not as strong as I thought and I fell with the hide-a-bed couch and it fell right on my LEFT knee! Barrett asked if I was ok, I got up and Barrett was FABULOUS and got the couch in my house! The pain didn't go away but the bruising did. I just let the knee pain slide by and kept thinking it would go away.

Finally last week, I couldn't handle it anymore! Behind my knee was getting so swollen and it was honestly hurting so bad to walk! I broke down and called Dr Hansen again. They got me in last Thursday. He gave me a cortisone shot and said to let him know if it doesn't work and all the goods... That brings me to now... I can hardly put any pressure on my leg. My leg is so swollen. It hurts so bad behind my knee, the inside of my knee, below my knee.. I called Dr Hansen yesterday and they were able to get me in today. I went and saw him today and when he walked in the room and saw my leg, his reaction said it all! So I am scheduled to get an MRI tomorrow morning at 6:20 am (yes, in the morning!). Good thing the MRI place is just down the road and my leg is so swollen I can't wear levi's to work! :) Dr Hansen told me to pull out my crutches and try not to put weight on my leg. I have been icing it and keeping it elevated and having it wrapped up in an ace bandage. It hurts SO BAD!! It has started to have shooting pain down the front of my leg all the way to the ankle (so Dr Barrett, any ideas what it could be) I go back for the follow-up Monday, so I guess we will go from there.

That has been my excitement! :) I know it sounds so much fun, so much it makes you want to jump up and down! :) HA HA! If you are jumping, please jump for me.. since I can't!

Well, it is 8:00. I need to go shower so I can hit the sack. 6:00 comes WAY too early for me! :)



Grandma Labrum said...

Six o'clock is not early! So sorry about the knee. I can emphasize with the pain. Perhaps you shouldn't plan on coming down to help with the carpets this weekend. Don't want you re-hurting a knee while working in Dr. Heiner's office. Hope everything goes well.

Nicky said...

Mom, I am picking up the carpet cleaning stuff from BRADY. I promised Dad I will help I can sit on a chair and help clean a chair. I promise I will be ok! I promised Dad I will help, I can't break a promise.. I am NOT going to let dad do it by himself.. Just don't get mad if I don't feel up for going to church, hobbling in on crutches!

Grandma Labrum said...

I forgot about the supplies from Brady. But hobble to church on crutches....you will lots of sympathy.

..::k.toms::.. said...

I'm sorry to hear about your knee!
Knee problems are the WORST! My family has a history of bad knees and I'm well on my way to getting mine replaced!
Hope you heal soon!

Scottie and Tasha said...

Hey Nikki it's Tasha (behling)sorry to hear about your problems!!! I can't believe you're a blogger too... kinda seems like everyone these days blog something or other! Hey my blog is private but I'd love to invite you and catch up! email me at scottandtasha@gmail.com and i'll hook you up!

Grandma Labrum said...

Hope you soon feel better! Time to write some more so I don't have to keep replying on the same post! I know, you have been sick, but .... well. Hope you feel better tomorrow.