Sunday, February 7, 2010

Time for an update

Everything at work has been good. I go to my Neurologist on Tuesday for a checkup. I have been out of my meds for about a week. I take migraine preventative pills. And once I ran out, they wouldn't refill them until I come in to meet with the dr again. I can see how much those pills make my head feel so much better. Having a migraine every day for the past week has not been fun.

Other then that, nothing else is going on. I got to spend time with my friend Abe, he FINALLY came back from Senegal,West Africa. It was good to have him back. Now it's my turn to go to Senegal. That would be my dream vacation is to go to africa.

It's February, Valentines Day. At work we decorated everyone's cubicle. It was so much fun. We drew names and had to decorate that persons cubie. My teams area looks all festive for V-day. We are having a Mardi Gras potluck in the 16th. My boss is in charge of it so she said everyone on my team has to bring something. Any ideas would be great!

Super Bowl was just played. I was cheering for the Colts. (Go Francisco!) but they didn't win. It was a good game anyway. New Orleans played hard and they deserve it.

Well, I am going to bed now. I will try to keep this updated weekly.. even if my life is boring :)

Oh, something that happened this week.... I got a ticket... Yes, I was speeding.


Grandma Labrum said...

Just call you "lead foot."

Grandma Labrum said...

Hope you get relief from the migraines.

CWYoung said...

Thanks for the update- you need to do them more often. Sorry about the migraines. That has to be wretched- but at least you know the meds work!

Your life isn't boring. You aren't boring, so there's no way your life could be.