Saturday, August 22, 2009

Trust no one!

That is the hard lesson I have had to learn this week. It all happened when I put my guard down and thought "friends" can be trusted, well that isn't true. Once again, I now have anxiety issues and trust issues. This past Tuesday night, I had friends over helping me move my broken tv downstairs and this friend of a friend (who I welcomed into my home) went into my purse and got my bank information. I didn't realize that people would actually have the nerve to do that. I guess maybe that is where I am naive being from a small town and all, but I also think if it's not yours DON'T TOUCH IT! I have now found out who my real friends are and I am so thankful for them.

Elder David B Haight of the Quorom of the 12 Apostles said in the Ensign back in November of 1987 said:"The devastation that comes to the families and loved ones of those convicted of crimes such as stealing, fraud, misrepresentation, child abuse, sexual transgression, or other serious crimes is immeasurable. So many sorrows, heartaches, and even broken homes result from a false belief that people can set their own rules and do what they want to do as long as they don’t get caught.

Individuals may deceive and even go undetected or unpunished, but they will not escape the judgments of a just God. No man can disobey the word of God and not suffer for so doing. No sin, however secret, can escape retribution and the judgment that follows such transgression."

The past few days since the incident, friends of this person have talked to me and told me to just be careful with what decision I make because it will determine the future of this person. And they tell me that this person could go to jail and I need to really think about that. Do they not think that this has affected me in any way? Nobody MADE them take my stuff. That was his choice! Everybody has their free agency and he made that choice to steal my stuff and now he needs to be accountable for his choice.


Grandma Labrum said...

Hope things get better. And love your new background.

Terrence and Laura said...

I'm sorry, that really stinks. I personally think people will never learn unless they have a hard lesson to teach them better, so good luck with whatever happens!

..::k.toms::.. said...

I'm so sorry to hear that!
I think there are 2 types of people in this world:
1) Those that trust instantly
2) Those where you have to gain their trust in order to be a "friend".
Like you, I'm #1 and it sucks to learn that you can't trust everyone. We just want to give them the benefit of the doubt!
I'm sorry, I hope everything gets resolved, and I completely agree w/ you in that he needs to be held accountable for what he did!

Monsen3 said...

Sorry to hear the bad news. But I would prosecute to the fullest extent. How else is going to learn? Just slapping him on the hand isn't going to do anything and he will probably just do it again. Good luck with what you decide.