Tuesday, March 11, 2008

MY venting session

Many thoughts have gone into this post and I am just going to say it... I am sorry if I offend anyone!

I have my own problems right now that I am trying to deal with. I don't want to be the middle man of other peoples problems. I have tried to be there for SO many people, yet sometimes I feel like I when I need someone to lean on, nobody is there for me.

I don't want to be a babysitter for people when they are supposed to be adults. If you can take care of yourself, SHOW IT! I am tired of picking up after people! I tried to be an adult and bring something to your attention and all that I get is a slap in the face and disrespected. I try to give people respect, but respect is earned not just given.

I know that I haven't been feeling all that well the past few months (2 months). I am away from my family. I haven't been getting a whole lot of sleep. I am trying to give my body the rest that is deserves and that it needs to heal from the illness that it has had. WHATEVER this has been (besides strep throat and ear infections) has really just put a lot of wear and tear on my body and really just wore my body completely out! I just want people to understand that I am trying! I am trying as much as I can to do the best I can!

I know that everyone is not perfect.. I am not saying that I am perfect in ANY shape or form (believe me, I know I am far from it). There are just times that I want the friendship, respect and trust that I give others.

Treat others as you want them to treat you because what goes around comes around


Grandma Labrum said...

WOW! What is going on? Well, I love and you and think you are doing great, even if you do get sick! You are right, you have been there for many people. Let me know what I can do for you. Come home in a week for Easter. Rolling a few egss around in the dirt will be a great stress reliever!
Love you lots!

Chantel said...

Hey girlie-
I am sorry that you are not feeling well and that you have stress on top of that. We are headed to the Ville for Easter and you are welcome to ride with us (if you dare!) I think we are going to leave on Friday and head down and then come home on Sunday. Hope things go better :)

..::k.toms::.. said...

Hey there! I had no idea you were checking out my blog?! So glad to see family on here!
I'm totally with you 100%- I think if you're doing favors for someone, the LEAST they can do is show you some respect. Not walk all over you! I sure hope you let these meanies know how you're feeling so that they realize how they are treating other people?
Cute blog! And I hope you get feeling better!