Saturday, June 26, 2010

Happy Birthday, Barrett

Sorry Barrett, gotta keep the tradition of posting the "helmet" picture! :)
Happy Birthday! You are a great big brother. You are such a good example to me and I don't know how I was able to get such a smart brother. Growing up, I had to share a room with you (and we had the most awesome wallpaper) and I had to put up with you laying on MY bed drawing the Chicago Bulls logo on YOUR bed since we had bunk beds. I remember you always wanted to be a doctor and look at you now. You are a doctor. You have amazing little kids who I just love (even if Max doesn't let me kiss him) You have pushed your way thru college with a family and you have made your dreams come true.

You are such a sweet man. I love the picture of you helping Mom at Grandpa's funeral. It was such a snowy day and you were such a gentleman to walk over and give Mom your arm to hold on to so she wouldn't fall. Nancy captured a GREAT picture. Chantel is a lucky woman!

Hope you have a great day! Love ya and can't wait to see you!


Chantel said...

LOVE IT!! Thanks Nicky :)

Grandma Labrum said...

Love the new background. The colors look just like you.