Thursday, March 4, 2010

New point of view

Well, last week was not fun at all. I had pink eye, sinus infection, broken tooth.. it was not fun!

Saturday had lunch with the Ware girls at Macaroni Grill in Provo. That is always fun. We had a good meal and good company. We sat there for a few hours and talked and laughed. Next time, I will NOT allow the dessert to be passed by me and the bread to be pulled away from me.. I'm not going to point any names BUT, it won't happen again (mom and Chelsie). :) And just want to say thanks for laughing and enjoying the entire thing Julie.

Saturday after the Girls lunch, we went to Cabellas with the kids. It was a lot of fun. The kids really enjoyed it. Tyler saw the Warthog and oinked like a pig. Kayden and Koy saw the wolf and said that he looked like Jacob from Twilight. When I dropped the Gale kids back home, Kayden told Josh that Jacobellas was so much fun. I laughed and said it's called Cabellas, he said oh, Jacob Cabellas is fun. Once he saw the wolf, he was no longer just Cabellas.

Before we left for lunch, the kids were all playing in Nancy's house with a balloon. Tyler was laughing and clapping when he would hit that balloon. The kids are so good with him. Lexi would then hold him up so he could get the balloon and not have to work so hard and turn around and miss it. Lexi would then get tired, so I decided to stand up and help out. I would hold Tyler so he could get the balloon. I would lift his legs up so he could kick it. He thought that was fun, he was laughing so hard. I heard Kayden and Koy in the back saying how THEY wish they were like Tyler and THEY could be lifted up and kick the balloon. It really made me think. Tyler can't do things that other kids can. So we have to help him out. He may/may not know that he can't. The other kids do know however that Tyler can't do things the way that we do things. When they saw Tyler getting help (not that I was favoring him, I was just helping him) Kayden and Koy said that they wish they could do that. They didn't wish they had his "problem" they just saw how much fun he was having and how he was laughing. It makes me love those kids so much when they love each other so much to help each other out the way they were. Tyler got bumped and fell down, Koy was right there to pick him up. Tyler is bigger then Koy, Koy didn't care he knew that we help Tyler. It was the cutest thing!

I am so glad that that cold has passed me. It was miserable and it hit hard and fast. This week, I've had kind of a sore throat. Not sure if it is a sore throat or my ears hurting. It is ok in the morning but by evening it really starts to hurt. Today I was tired of it so I called my family doctor and got an appointment and went in. He is a GREAT doctor, he was the one who diagnosed the gallbladder. I would recommend anyone to him in SL Valley. He looked in my throat and everything was fine. Looked in my ears, there is fluid in them and some pressure. More on the right side than the left. Last year I was diagnosed with TMJ (aka Lock Jaw). It hurts like HECK! I have tried some of the treatment that the dr and the ENT said to try, the next thing they said is surgery. Most insurances don't cover it, they say it is cosmetic. I called my insurance to see what they say, sure enough, it is an exclusion and they won't cover it. So right now, I get it about every 3-5 months and live with the pain for about 2 weeks.

Work is going ok. Just seems to be a little tense. It's getting to be the end of the quarter and knowing there is mandatory overtime just makes it stressful. Yesterday, Myriad did the big "ringing of the bell" for Nasdaq on WallStreet. On March 2, they also announced a new product that hopefully will go big. It is called Prolaris, First Diagnostic Test to Predict Prostate Cancer Recurrence. If you want, you can check it out, Myriad.

Well, I am off to bed. If you made it this far, you get a cookie (or give yourself a pat on the back) :)


Grandma Labrum said...

I don't have a cookie so I padded myself on the back. Thanks for the up-date, and I will take the dessert if I want to! You have to be quicker than that.

Grandma Labrum said...

Hope you sleep better tonight. Sounds like you be having fun!