Thursday, August 21, 2008


Since I have still been having these pains in my abdomen area and no answers as to why, my dr ordered me to have a HIDA scan. I had that done this past Monday at St.Marks. I can just say I was in complete MISERY!! I met with the dr for the results today... My gallbladder was at 30% and "normal" I guess is at 35%, so I meet with a surgeon on Monday Aug.25 and set up a time to get it taken out! SO, hopefully that will take care of this pain! So, that is my update. Other then that, just living and working in pain.. :) I will keep you updated more when I know! So Monday at 10 is when I have my appointment. It will be at St.Marks Hospital..


Chantel said...

You poor girl! I hope that you get feeling better soon. It is a quick surgery that will make you feel a million times better :)

Monsen3 said...

Good Luck I hope it solves all your problems:)

Anonymous said...

Nicky, my gall bladder was working at 14% for over a year and mine really wasn't that bad. Then I had it taken out and I wish they could put it back in. Since taking it out, I have hard time digesting food. Cucumbers almost kill me along with many other foods that are good for you and low in calories. I thought it would just take time for my body to get back to normal but it's been 4 years now. Good luck with your surgery and I hope things go well with you because I want my gall bladder back!

Aunt Julie

Nicky said...

Julie I hope this solves my problem. I have been so sick for almost a month. So right now, I am willing to try anything to get this pain to go away!

Grandma Labrum said...

And after the pain I had, I am glad mine is out. I have no trouble digesting my food...oh, once in a while after eating a salad, I might need to run to the bathroom...(ok, I know, I always need to run to that room, don't make fun of me!)... but the terrible pain is gone. I don't know what % my bladder...I mean gallbladder was working, but it was full of stones when they took it out. Recovery was hard because of some stupid stitch....and it was for my knee, too. Maybe I just don't dissolve stitches well. Is that possible?

Adri and Cory said...

Good luck with everything!